Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How to Add Your Stages to this Site!

Want to submit your stage to the collection shown here? Well, fear not, it's a lot easier than you think! But if you're just the kind of person, who absolutely MUST see it, in order to understand it, (I'll admit I'm one of them) then worry not! I am also working on a video guide on how to upload your own custom Brawl Stages to the collection here!
Once available, the video version of the guide will be viewable at:

If you already know how to upload stages, simply send it to me, as an e-mail attachment to:
and it will be posted within a few days. To help shorten the time it takes to become available, adding screenshots and a gameplay video (or one already on YouTube) will speed up the process. (With every post here, I include a screen shot and a gameplay video of the stage)

And now, without further a due, here are the instructions on how to upload your custom Brawl Stage to this site:


1st step in uploading your stage is actually making your stage. Before
attempting something new, I would highly recommend looking over my
Stage Design Tips.

After making your stage, you are going to need to get it onto your
computer. To do this, scroll over to your stage on the stage builder
menu. Look at the timestamp on the stage on the top right corner of
your screen and remember (or write down) what it says.
Now, copy your stage onto an SD card, and put your SD card into your
Now, in Windows, double-click on "My Computer", and then open the SD card drive, which should show up in the next window that appears (if it doesn't contact your computer's manufacturer, or if it's an adapter, contact the company that made the adapter).
If you are on a Mac, just open the SD card right from the desktop.
Now in your SD card, open the following folders:

Now in this folder, look for a file with the same timestamp as your
stage. So, if your stage was made on March 19, 2008 at 2:00 the
filename will read:

Now just attach that file to an e-mail and send it to: BrawlStages@gmail.com
Just let me know how you would like to be plugged or credited for
your stage. A blank email will result in an anonymous stage. You may
submit as many stages as you like, but please attach only one stage to
each email
. In your email you can also tell me anything you want to
about your stage, including ideas or concepts that went into making
it. You don't have to, though... But you could, if you wanted to.

For each stage I receive I will make screen shots, gameplay videos, a
description of the stage, and strategies to use in the stage. Each
submitted stage will also be scored on a scale from 1 to 5. Don't be
discouraged if you get a low score. Just look at the comments I made,
fix the flaws, and resubmit it, and it may do better.

All stages are posted in the order, which I receive them. Stages are
typically posted within a couple days after their submission. However, it
could take longer if I have gotten a lot of stages recently, or if I'm
busy, but if this were to happen, I would let you know in advance via

Also, providing gameplay video or screen shots of your stage will
speed up the process of how quickly your stage will appear in the
collection. No off-screen footage will be accepted.

Note: If you make a change to that you already submitted, you can resubmit
it to us, and we will update it here to match yours. Keep in mind that
each time you edit your stage, the timestamp changes.

Have fun! :)

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